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We look for passionate innovators, radical thinkers and collaborative builders. It’s time to integrate our understanding of biology and chemistry with better AI to make superior cures that make a difference in people’s lives

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Why work for us

Competitive Salary & Equity Compensation

We offer highly competitive salary and equity compensation to all employees.

Paid Time Off & Holiday Bonus

Five weeks of paid time off every year is guaranteed. We also pay you to go on holiday. 50% of your paid time off is given as a bonus upfront when you take your holiday (in addition to PTO).

Flexible Working Environment & Company Off-sites

Work from anywhere! Feel free to work from anywhere in the US as long as you have a stable internet connection. Participate in quarterly company off-sites and excursions.

Medical Benefits & 401(k)

Comprehensive medical, dental and vision plans are available for all employees in both in the United States and Europe. We also offer a company-wide 401(k) program with up to a 4% match.